Music Scholarships

The Music Department offers several scholarship opportunities for high schoolers who will be prospective Lehigh applicants in Instrumental Music (orchestral, jazz, wind ensemble, and more) and in Choral Arts for the upcoming year. Please use the instructions below, which are the most current version, to apply. Applicants applying for both the Performing Arts scholarship and the Snyder scholarship should fill out a single form. Those applying for both Instrumental and Choral scholarships should fill out the separate forms for each, below. Applicants will be asked to choose one or the other, in the event that they are offered more than one scholarship. Please note that these scholarships are only offered to students applying to Lehigh for admission.

INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC SCHOLARSHIPS (Application due January 17--extended from Jan. 10)

Performing Arts Scholarships in Music

This scholarship recognizes your exceptional musical talent and provides the opportunity to perform with the best University ensembles, including orchestra, jazz ensembles, wind ensemble, and various chamber groups. You will receive a merit-based scholarship worth $5,000 per academic year (disbursed by semester). This scholarship is renewable for up to eight consecutive semesters, providing you maintain membership in two of the ensembles (to be determined by the ensemble directors), maintain enrollment as a full-time undergraduate student at Lehigh University, and maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.8. Majoring or minoring in music is not required. Music lessons are also required and will be offered as part of the scholarship. The PAS scholarship is awarded both on the basis of merit and according to current ensemble needs.

Snyder Family Marching Scholarships 

This scholarship recognizes membership in The Marching 97. You will receive a merit-based scholarship of at least $1,500 per academic year (disbursed by semester). This scholarship is renewable for up to eight semesters, providing you remain a member of The Marching 97, maintain enrollment as a full-time undergraduate student at Lehigh University, and maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.8. Majoring or minoring in music is not required. Music lessons are also required and will be offered as part of the scholarship. The Snyder scholarship is awarded both on the basis of merit and according to current ensemble needs.


To officially apply for the scholarships, you must complete and email the Application Form, and your music teacher must email a recommendation for you. Please read and follow these directions carefully:

•    Download and complete the Instrumental Scholarship Application Form.

•     Include a URL link to a single five- to seven-minute video performance that shows your face as well as your hands, and contains two contrasting selections. The video does not need to be studio quality, and must be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo as a public link. Please do not restrict viewership, and do not submit more than one link: both pieces should be accessed by one video link.

•    At the start of your video, please list the composers and titles of the selections you are performing. Ideally, your choice of pieces should reflect whether you consider yourself primarily a jazz musician, a classical musician, or both.

•     Please do not attach electronic sound files through email (mp3, etc.). 

•    Email your Application Form as an attachment to  In the subject line, indicate your last name + Performing Arts Scholarship (use PAS), and/or your last name + Snyder Family Scholarship (use SNY). Example: Smith + PAS; Smith + SNY; or Smith + PAS, SNY if you are applying for both scholarships.

•    The application submission deadline is midnight on January 17 (extended from Jan. 10).

For teachers providing recommendations: Please write a recommendation for the applicant noting particular strengths in areas including musicianship, technique, and leadership. The completed recommendation should be emailed as a PDF or Word attachment to In the Subject line, indicate the Recommendation + candidate's last name + the instrument. Example: Recommendation + Jones + Violin. 

Finalists may be invited to audition and interview in person or via Skype for a faculty committee in January or early February, after all of the submissions have been reviewed.

For more information about the Lehigh Instrumental Scholarships, or assistance with submitting the application, contact Linda Ganus at



CHORAL SCHOLARSHIPS (Application due January 17--extended from Jan. 10)

Teufel Family Choral Arts Scholarships

The Teufel Family Endowed Scholarship in Choral Arts is awarded to matriculated students in University Choir and is supported by a generous gift given by Anne and Bob Teufel, ’59.

Cutler-Sametz Choral Arts Scholarships

This scholarship recognizes your exceptional musical talent and provides the opportunity to perform with the best in the University Choir. You will receive a merit-based scholarship worth $5,000 per academic year (disbursed by semester). This scholarship is renewable for up to eight consecutive semesters, providing you maintain membership in the University Choir for those eight semesters and also participate in four semesters of Choral Union, Glee Club, or Dolce. You must also maintain enrollment as a full-time undergraduate student at Lehigh University, and maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.8. Majoring or minoring in music is not required. Music lessons are also required and will be offered as part of the scholarship.  


To officially apply for the scholarships, you must download, complete and email the Application Form, and also have your music teacher email a recommendation for you. Please read and follow these directions carefully:

•   Download and complete the Choral Arts Scholarship Application Form.

•   Include a URL link to a five- to seven-minute video performance of two contrasting classical selections, in two different languages. The performances must be solo voice, with piano accompaniment if desired. The video does not need to be studio quality, and should be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo as a public link. Please do not restrict viewership.

•     At the start of your video, please list the composers and titles of the selections you are performing.

•    Please do not attach electronic sound files through email (mp3, etc.).

•    Email your Application Form as a PDF attachment to In the Subject line, indicate your last name + Choral Arts Scholarship. Example: Sanders + Choral Arts Scholarship

•    The application submission deadline is midnight on January 17 (extended from Jan. 10). 

For teachers providing recommendations: Teachers must email a recommendation for the applicant, noting strengths in specific areas including voice quality, musicianship, technique, sight-singing, leadership, command of foreign languages, and in what capacity/for how long the teacher has known the candidate. The completed application should be emailed as a PDF or Word attachment to leo224@lehigh.eduIn the Subject line, indicate the candidate's last name + Recommendation. Example: Jones + Recommendation

Finalists may be invited to audition and interview in person or via Skype for a faculty committee after all of the submissions have been reviewed.

For more information about the Choral Arts Scholarships, or assistance with submitting the application, contact Prof. Liz Olson at