Music Department, Zoellner Arts Center
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015
Ph.D. Oct. 1983 New York University, New York, NY (Musicology), "The Evolution of Symphonic Worlds: Tonality in the Symphonies of Gustav Mahler," Dissertation
M.M. Aug. 1976 Temple University, Phila. PA (Music History)
B.M.Ed. Jan. 1971 Temple University, Phila. PA (Music Education)
1980- Lehigh University, Full Professor (96), Associate Professor (89), Assistant Professor (83), Instructor (80)
1980 (Summer) Temple University, Visiting Lecturer, College of Music
1979-80 Haverford College, Adjunct faculty, Music Department
1978-80 New York University, Teaching Assistant, Music Department
1976-79 (Summer) Temple University, Adjunct faculty, Continuing Ed.
1976-77 Temple University, Adjunct faculty. College of Music
1975-76 Camden County Community College, Adjunct faculty
1974-76 Temple University, Teaching Assistant, College of Music
Review of Love is Everywhere: Selected Songs of Margaret Ruthven Lang (CD and scores). In IAWM (International Alliance for Women in Music) v.17, no. 2 (2011), 40-41.
Review of Feminissimo! Women Playing Music by Women, Albany Records. In IAWM (International Alliance for Women in Music) v.15, no. 2 (2009), 40-41.
Review of Charlotte Mueller, piano: Women’s Work: Music for Solo Piano. In IAWM (International Alliance for Women in Music) v.13, no. 2 (2007), 45-46.
Review of Kristina Marie Guiget: The Ideal World of Mrs. Widder's Soiree Musicale: Social Identity and Musical Life in Nineteenth-Century Ontario. In IAWM (International Alliance for Women in Music) v.12, no. 2 (2006), 35-36.
“Alma Maria Schindler-Mahler (1870-1964)” in Women Composers, Volume 7: Composers Born 1800-1899, Vocal Music, Sylvia Glickman and Martha Furman Schleifer, eds., (G.K. Hall, 2003) 640-48; 654-55.
"Selling Salome in America," in Opera and the Golden West: The Past, Present, and Future of Opera in the U.S.A., John L. DiGaetani and Josef P. Sirefman, eds, (Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press, 1994), 181-197.
Review of Peter Franklin, Mahler: Symphony No. 3, (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1991) and Friedrich Krummacher, Gustav Mahlers III. Symphonie: Welt im Widerbild (Bärenreiter, 1991) in Notes 50(1994)975-977.
Review of James Zychowicz, ed., The Seventh Symphony of Gustav Mahler: A Symposium, (Univ. of Cincinnati College-Conservatory, 1990) in Current Musicology 53(1993)105-112.
Review of Robert G. Hopkins, Closure and Mahler's Music, (U.of Penn. Press, 1990) in Notes 49 (1992)120-122.
"It must become a real French Opera": Strauss's Salomé," (accepted by Journal of Musicology) "Cases of Mistaken Identity: Salome and Judith at the Turn of the Century," German Studies Review, Vol. 11(1988)9-29.
"Gurre-Lieder: Corrections to the Published Score," Used in performance under Claudio Abbado, 8/8/88 Berlin; 8/14/88 Vienna; 8/16/88 Frankfurt.
“Amy Beach’s Piano Music,” Eighth Festival of Women Composers, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, March 27-29, 2008.
“Bernstein on Mahler” 2007 Northeast Chapter Annual Conference at Rider College, March 23, 2007
“Alma and Amy: Case Studies in Aptitude, Access, Approbation and Accommodation,” Seventh Festival of Women Composers at Indiana University of PA with Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, March 17, 2004.
"Sprechgesang in Schoenberg's Pierrot lunaire," Response to paper by Roger Lustig, Joint meeting of the New York State Theory Society and the Arnold Schoenberg Institute, Columbia University,October 5, 1991.
"Selling Salome in America" Opera in the Golden West conference, Hofstra University, April 20, 1991.
"The Unknowable made Audible: Musical Representations of Women by Men," Decadence and the Modern Mind: Literature and the Arts at the End of the Centuries, Loyola College in Maryland, Baltimore, April 4, 1991.
"Music at the Turn of the Century," New Perspectives on the 1890s conference, Lehigh Valley Colleges, October, 1989.
"Berg on Schoenberg: Berg's Analysis of Gurre-Lieder," American Musicological Society, National Meeting, Baltimore, November 1988.
"Strauss's Forgotten Salomé," American Musicological Society, National Meeting, Cleveland, November 1986.
"The Mahlerian Moment: New Meanings for Old Forms," American Musicological Society, Mid-Atlantic Chapter, Rutgers Univ., April 1982.
1999 - Director for NEH Summer Seminar for School Teachers: The World of Yesterday: Viennese Perspectives on Culture, the Arts and Ideas, 1890-1940. July 5-August 6. $79,000 budget funded by NEH.
PERFORMANCE (as a mezzo in vocal ensembles):
See attached list for additional performances of note
Lehigh University Choir – 130th Anniversary; also St. Matthew Passion
2001, 03 Lehigh University Choir - including tour of Russia
Lehigh University Choir - Bach, Mass in B Minor
1997 Lehigh University Choir - all performances, including tour of France
1985 - 07 Lehigh University Choral Union: most performances.
1984 - 07 Shippensburg University Festival Chorus: (professional ensemble) performance each July.
1980 - 96 Concord Chamber Singers: approx. 7 performances per year including Lehigh University Baccalaureate; Summer 1990 performing tour of Salzburg and Vienna. Conduct frequent sectional rehearsals.
Shippensburg University Summer Festival – program notes for three concerts, Luhrs PAC, July 2011, 2012
LU Philharmonic – program notes on Mahler, Symphony No. 1, Oct. 2010
Shippensburg University Summer Festival - program notes, c. 1200 words for each of three concerts each year, 1988-93.
WDIY, 88.1 FM - Classical music programmer, announcer, engineering for Tuesday Afternoon Classics, January 95 through September 96
Pre-Concert Lectures on Sametz’s Carmina amoris, April 30, May 1, 2010
Pre-Concert Lectures on Mozart and Tchaikovsky by LU Philharmonic, Oct. 16, 17, 2009
Pre-Concert Lectures on “Israel and Egypt” by Choral Arts, April 24, 25, 2009
Pre-Concert Lectures for “Ruling the World” by LU Philharmonic, Oct. 17, 18, 2008
Pre-Concert Lecture for “All in the Family” Concert by LU Choral Arts, Oct. 26-27, 2007
Panelist for Women in the Arts discussion, LU Art Galleries, Sept. 27, 2007
Pre-Concert Lecture for Prague Symphony Orchestra, Zoellner, Feb. 18, 2005
Pre-Concert Lecture for Tonhalle Orchestra, Zoellner, May 9, 2004
Panelist with Peter Philips on performing Haydn at Oxford Summer Institute, June 28, 2002
Pre-Concert Lecture for Warsaw Philharmonic, Feb. 15, 2002
Pre-Concert Lectures for Lehigh Valley Chamber Orchestra, Jan. 18, 19, 2002
Pre-Concert Lecture for Bolshoi Symphony, Zoellner, March 23, 2001
Pre-Concert Lectures for Lehigh Valley Chamber Orchestra, Sept. 8, 9, 2000
“On the Perils of Composing on Commission” Lecture, Moravian College, Sept. 7, 2000
Pre-Concert Lecture for Royal Philharmonic at Zoellner, Feb. 23, 2000
Panelist for Fables and Folklore: A Gender Perspective, Dec. 2, 1999
Pre-Concert Lecture for Lehigh Valley Chamber Orchestra, March 7, 8, 1997
Pre-Concert Lecture for Lehigh Valley Chamber Orchestra, October 6,7, 1995
"Orff's Carmina Burana," Pre-concert notes, LU, April 29, 1994
"Mendelssohn's Loreley and Mahler's Das klagende Lied," Pre-concert notes, LU, April 30, 1993
"Monteverdi's Vespers of 1610": Pre-concert lecture, LU, Feb. 15, 1992
"Love and Death at the Opera: Three Verdi Heroines," Lecture for the Italian Culture Institute at Muhlenburg College, April 8, 1991
"Bach's Christmas Oratorio," Lecture for LU Deutsches Haus, December, 1988
"Thoughts on Pierrot lunaire," Joint lecture with Jan De Gaetani and Paul Salerni during Artist-in-Residency program, LU, April 5, 1988.
Tales of Revenge: A Symposium on Legend in German Romantic Music, held at LU in connection with Choral Arts performances of Mendelssohn's Loreley and Mahler's Das klagende Lied, May 1, 1993.
Conference director, including contracting keynote speakers and recitalists, issuing call for papers, refereeing papers, designing and printing flyers, order forms and program, hosting symposium.
New Perspectives on the 1890s. Conference, held at Allentown College, October 1989,
Steering Committee (1988-89), including chairing session on "Sexuality and the Arts," refereeing paper proposals, contracting keynote speaker.
1998 Panelist at Conference for NEH Directors: “Mapping Culture” October, Washington DC
1998 Panelist in discussion of “Business and the Arts” for Lehigh Valley Assoc. of Univ. Women
1993 College Music Society, refereed papers for regional conference at Lafayette College
1992 NEH panelist reviewing proposals by scholars in Art and Music applying to direct a Summer Seminar for College Teachers, Washington, May 5
1991 Proteus, "Mozart: Changing Perceptions 1791-1991" Fall 1991 (refereed seven papers)
1989 NEH panelist reviewing July Travel to Collections proposals
1988 NEH panelist reviewing July Travel to Collections proposals
1986 Moravian College: reader and panelist for honors candidate Carol Traupman, "Orchestration in Mahler," May
1985 Proteus, Bach Anniversary issue, refereE
2007 Lehigh Lab Symposium – poster presentations of my Women in Music Wiki and RefShare
2000 Lehigh Valley Chamber Orchestra - Committee to plan current Millennium season
Concord Chamber Singers: Author of grant proposals funded by Pennsylvania Council on the Arts: 1991, 1990, 1988, 1987
1990 Temple University, College of Music faculty: Seminar director for second half of a graduate course in Mahler, substituting for the hospitalized Bruce Archibald
Concord Chamber Singers: Concert Manager, VP (1987-88), Pres. (1988-92), occasional;rehearsal and sectional conductor
1984 Temple University, College of Music faculty: Seminar director for "Words about Music": ; Prose writing for music majors, January
1980 Haverford College: Consultant on music library holdings
1978 NYU: Administrative Assistant to Music Department, Summer
1971- Rile and McDade, Inc. (Phila.): Assistant to Joanne Rile, Concert Artists' Manager (to 1977)
1998 NEH to direct Summer Seminar for School Teachers $79,000
1988 NEH Summer Seminar: "The Music of Wagner," Robert Bailey, director; New York University
1988 NEH Travel Grant: "Gurre-Lieder corrections and revisions," Archive of the Arnold Schoenberg Institute, Los Angeles
1987 LU Provost's Grant: for study of Schoenberg's Gurre-Lieder in Austria
1985 LU Unsponsored research study grant for work on Strauss's Salome
1984 NEH Summer Seminar, "The 1890's in Germany and Austria," (an interdisciplinary seminar) Sander Gilman, director; Cornell University
1978 New York University: Langley Fellowship
1977 New York University: University Scholarship
1966 Philadelphia Board of Education: Four-year college scholarship
American Musicological Society
College Music Society
International Assoc. of Women in Music
Music 1: Listening to Music
Music 20: Introduction to Music Literature *
Music 80: Masterpieces of Music*
Music 90: College Seminar: "What does music 'say'?"*
Music 90: College Seminar: "Mozart: the Man, the Myth, the Music"*
Music 90: College Seminar: "Women in Music"
Music 111: Theory I
Music 131: Chamber Music
Music 132: Bach *
Music 132: Bach and Handel *
Music 132: Mozart*
Music 132: Beethoven *
Music 132: Mahler and Strauss *
Music 196: Women in Music (Cross-listed with Women’s Studies, first offered 2007)
Music 233: Medieval and Renaissance Music ** (Mus 133 before '94)
Music 234: Baroque and Classical Music ** (Mus 134 before '94)
Music 235: Romantic Music ** (Mus 137 before '94)
Music 236: Music Since 1900 (previously Twentieth-Century Music) ** (Mus 138 before '94)
Music 251: Special Topics: Survey of Western Music (John Cole, Spring 81)
Music 251: Special Topics: Theory III (Cathy Chong, Fall 85)
Music 291: Independent Study
Music 300: Apprentice Teaching (supervised Jon Eisenberg-Mus 234; Darlene Dreyer-235)
Music 336: Seminar in the History of Musical Style (first offered 2006)
Music 350: Senior Project–supervise writing projects for Music History Concentration
Music 361: Internship (administered and graded for music industry minors)
* designated courses include substantial amounts of prose writing in keeping with goals of the "Writing across the Disciplines" program
** designated courses offered as writing intensive for juniors in College of Arts and Sciences
CHAIRPERSON: Some Highlights 1992-2006 2009-
Zoellner Management Team member (11-)
Oversee development of department Facebook page, updates of department web site (11-12)
Work with Development to create Marching 97 Affinity group (11)
Develop online lesson scheduling through Blackboard (09-10), revised in Course Site (10)
Develop department web site content; work with designer on revised navigation (05-06; 09-10)
Oversee development and production of second department sampler CD (06)
Produce memorial CD of Cutler Glee Club years in support of the Cutler-Sametz Choral Scholars Endowment campaign; member of Steering Committee (04-05)
Work with development to establish Snyder Family March Band Scholarship endowment (00-03)
Assumed role of producer for the production of The Music Man, Fall 02
Develop and oversee student recital program: noon recitals, junior and senior recitals (98- )
Develop and run Department Awards Ceremony (97- )
Oversee, coordinate, assist in move of Greene Collection during Christmas week (97-98)
Oversee and often execute marketing efforts and programs for all Music events (97; 98)
Oversee and coordinate move into Zoellner, including weeks of forced, hard labor (96-97)
Create (one-year) position for Artist in Residence, Eugene Albulescu (97)
Work with development office on numerous advancement events for Zoellner (92-98)
Create plan for furnishing the building with pianos, including compiling the first budget numbers for all department accounts combined (96); earlier entered into a piano loan agreement with Taylor Music (93-96)
Lead selection committee for Steinway Concert Grand, partially donated by Dexter Baker
Work with VP for Information Resources to secure David Greene Audio Collection (96-97)
Attend week-long workshop for Music Administrators, DePaul Univ. (94)
Work with Financial Aid and Admissions to develop Baker and later Choral Arts merit scholarship programs; recruiting, promoting, developing brochures (93- )
Secure funding for upgrade of percussion equipment (1994)
Secure lectureship (originally Paul Chou, later Bill Warfield; 98-Albulescu)
Develop department mission statement (1995; 1998); reassess theory curriculum (1994; 98)
Initiate series of noon recitals for students; work with Community Relations to bring in school students and senior citizens for these (1993-2007 )
SPECIAL PERFORMANCES (as mezzo in various ensembles):
2005 University Choir – Bach, St. Matthew Passion
2001 University Choir - Tour to Russia
1998 Bach, Mass in B Minor
1997 Hindemith, Hin und Zurck, "Aunt Emma", LUVME, March
1997 University Choir - all spring performances, including tour of France
1994 Kim, Some Thoughts on Keats and Coleridge, LU Baccalaureate with Concord Chamber Singers, to recognize Kim's honorary doctorate by LU, May
1993 Salerni, Prayer Premiere, LUVME, October
1993 Sametz, Desert Voices, Premiere with University Choir, March
1992 Bethlehem 250th Commissioned Works concerts: Moran, Rituals and Ceremonies, Sametz, Muji no makotoba, Wargo, Sketches from Erin, May
1992 Monteverdi Vespers, with University Choir and Chanticleer, February
1988 Bach, Johannes Passion, with University Choir, April
1985 Hindemith, Hin und Zurck, "Aunt Emma", LUVME, November
Advise all majors and minors
Curate music department performance series
Linderman Library: oversee ordering of books and scores for the music collections
Lamberton Listening Library: (to 1997) some supervision of student help; order all scores, CDs, records catalog or supervise cataloging of all scores, records and CDs order and maintain equipment for library and classrooms
Zoellner Listening Library: oversee staff and choice of material for ordering
Choral Union: membership, occasional rehearsal and sectional conductor (to 2006)
New York bus trips: direct roughly one trip per year to Lincoln Center for opera or ballet performance, with afternoon museum stops designed to coordinate with courses offered; also trips to Lafayette College, to Philadelphia
Attend virtually all departmentally sponsored concerts, most Zoellner Presenting Series
Frequently offer College Seminars
Frequently act as Arts 1 advisor to non-majors; Advising mentor as of F 09
Library Liaisons Committee - ongoing
2011 Search Committee Chair for Zoellner Administrative Director (new position)
2011 Zoellner reorganization and budgeting committees
2010 -12 Lehigh University Council for the Arts, Chair
2010 Deputy Provost Search Committee (summer)
2009-10 Lehigh University Council for the Arts, Member
2009-11 Zoellner Management Committee
2008 Selection Committee for Class of ’61 Professorship
College Tenure Committee Alternate for December case
2007 Franz and Class of ’68 Awards committee
ArtsLehigh Advisory Council
2001-04 Tenure Committee; substitute member Spring 05
2001-02 Faculty Member of the Board of Trustees Cultural Affairs Committee
Reconceptualizing the Arts at Lehigh Committee
2000 Evaluation of Teaching Committee; Merit Pay Sub Committee
Ulrich Chair Committee
1998-06 Williams Prize Committee - department contact and judge
1997 Co-chair (with Gene Mercy, trustee) Search for Zoellner Arts Center Director
1996-97 Provost Search Committee
1996-98 Faculty Member of the Board of Trustees Cultural Affairs Committee
1994 Responsibility Center Budgeting Lead Team (appointed by President)
1992-96 Cultural Events Committee
1992-98 ZAC Planning, Policy Committees
1990-93 College Policy Committee
ongoing Writing Advisory Board
1990-91 Critical Thinking workshop participant
1985-88 Course and Curriculum Committee
1984-88 Taylor College Faculty Fellow (occasional visitor)
1982 "Writing Across the Disciplines" workshop participant
1982 Linderman Library, Music Exhibit annotations during Bach festival
1980-85 Music Committee for Linderman Library
In August 1980, Nadine Sine joined the faculty at Lehigh University as an instructor, having just completed course work for the Ph.D. at New York University. Three years later that degree was granted for her dissertation entitled The evolution of symphonic worlds: Tonality in the symphonies of Gustav Mahler, and she was promoted to the rank of assistant professor. She was tenured in 1989 and promoted to associate professor, followed by full professor in 1996. Except for the years 2006-2009, since 1992 she has served as department chair, leading the music department in a period of tremendous growth surrounding the move into the Zoellner Arts Center in 1997.
Scholarly activity has centered around the music and culture of the turn of the century; in addition to her work on Mahler, she has presented papers at the national meeting of the American Musicological Society and published articles on Strauss as well as early Schoenberg. In 2003 her entry on Alma Mahler in Women Composers: Music Through the Ages, vol. 7 was published, and in 2004 she delivered a paper on Alma Mahler and Amy Beach at the Seventh International Festival of Women Composers conference at Indiana University of Pennsylvania and Carnegie Mellon. In 2007 she presented a paper on Leonard Bernstein’s Mahler at the College Music Society regional conference.
Sine has performed extensively with choral ensembles at the university, in the community, and professionally. For two years she was a DJ on a weekly program of classical music on WDIY-FM, the Lehigh Valley's first public radio station, and she has often written program notes and offered pre-concert lectures for professional ensembles in the state, particularly for visiting orchestras at the Zoellner Arts Center.
At Lehigh University, Professor Sine teaches the four-semester music history sequence, occasional courses devoted to particular composers (e.g., Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Mahler), appreciation courses, freshman seminars, and an Advanced Seminar on the History of Musical Style. She also advises the music majors and minors.
In 1989 Sine married Robert J. Thompson (1936-2010), a clinical social worker and community activist and an occasional performer on accordion. She lives within walking distance of the campus and regularly entertains students in her classes, music majors and faculty.
Sine's undergraduate degree was from Temple University in music education, although student teaching convinced her that public school teaching was not in her future. Instead she spent four years working with Joanne Rile in the field of artist management. Only after taking a graduate research course at Temple with Mildred Parker in 1974 did she find her niche. A masters degree in music history from Temple brought with it an assistantship, later adjunct teaching at Temple, and an adjunct position at Haverford College while she completed course work for the Ph.D. at NYU.